After the uranium is enriched, about 90 percent waste. "Initially, it will be stored on site in the form of depleted UF6", Ferland explained. "Of course, the majority of the U-235 will be taken from the tailings at that point. Certainly, there will be a little about." But where will the tailings go? Ferland
has a beat not skip in his reply, "We have two options for removing the
tails. Wherever we go right this minute, and I would expect this is
where we will end up, is we will have a private deco version facility to
build. Or someone else will build a private party for us. "
And who would deco version facility to build? "To the extent that builds and operates the plant, it would be us or someone else," Ferland said. "We have a memorandum of understanding in place with Areva, which would allow us access to their technology. They have a current version deco factory in France that we could choose to copy well." According to Ferland, the plant will not be built in New Mexico, "Part of the settlement agreement with Governor Richardson and (New Mexico) Attorney General Madrid was we agreed not to build. Deco version a factory in the state"
Ferland suggested the plant could be in Texas, but perhaps elsewhere. He believes it can build to take a few years and would cost between $ 100 and $ 200 million to build. Ferland added: "It would create between 50 and 80 new jobs." Ferland said LES would the permitting process for the deco version plants begin in the next few years. "You have to go through the entire NRC licensing process to build one of those," he noted. "We're looking at two to three years, approximately. And then we start building and begin to work at that facility. That is where we are headed with deco version." Which meshes with operational plans enrichment facility. "I would not be surprised to see within a year or two after we reach full capacity (with the enrichment facility) online version deco plants" Ferland said.
Not to provide a more accurate predictions about how long the tailings remain in storage in New Mexico, the LES enrichment facility, our Ferland suggested some possible destinations for the waste, "You just send that to any of a variety of low- level landfills across the country. The closest is in Utah. There may be a day in Texas in Waste Control Specialists (WCS) facility. They are in the process of getting a license. "Will the deco version factory are located in Texas? "It would be good," he replied. "The facility is just a few miles from our site. Inherently, it makes sense. The missing link is of course that the WCS facility is not licensed today."
COPYRIGHT © 2007 by StockInterview, Inc. All rights reserved.
And who would deco version facility to build? "To the extent that builds and operates the plant, it would be us or someone else," Ferland said. "We have a memorandum of understanding in place with Areva, which would allow us access to their technology. They have a current version deco factory in France that we could choose to copy well." According to Ferland, the plant will not be built in New Mexico, "Part of the settlement agreement with Governor Richardson and (New Mexico) Attorney General Madrid was we agreed not to build. Deco version a factory in the state"
Ferland suggested the plant could be in Texas, but perhaps elsewhere. He believes it can build to take a few years and would cost between $ 100 and $ 200 million to build. Ferland added: "It would create between 50 and 80 new jobs." Ferland said LES would the permitting process for the deco version plants begin in the next few years. "You have to go through the entire NRC licensing process to build one of those," he noted. "We're looking at two to three years, approximately. And then we start building and begin to work at that facility. That is where we are headed with deco version." Which meshes with operational plans enrichment facility. "I would not be surprised to see within a year or two after we reach full capacity (with the enrichment facility) online version deco plants" Ferland said.
Not to provide a more accurate predictions about how long the tailings remain in storage in New Mexico, the LES enrichment facility, our Ferland suggested some possible destinations for the waste, "You just send that to any of a variety of low- level landfills across the country. The closest is in Utah. There may be a day in Texas in Waste Control Specialists (WCS) facility. They are in the process of getting a license. "Will the deco version factory are located in Texas? "It would be good," he replied. "The facility is just a few miles from our site. Inherently, it makes sense. The missing link is of course that the WCS facility is not licensed today."
COPYRIGHT © 2007 by StockInterview, Inc. All rights reserved.